Friday, January 24, 2020

Why ITF Taekwon-Do? (As taught in MTG Taekwon-Do Club)

I thought I would write a little about why I chose this particular style. Most believe a martial art is a martial art is a martial art.

I have trained in different styles formally and informally and have a big interest and love for Martial Arts and combat sports in general. This has also led to my quest for knowledge on many styles. Which, comprises of too many books, magazines, training and hours researching to go into now.

My interest is primarily on each styles strengths and similarities and how could aspects of training benefit my and my clubs training. This love is also evident in my self defence system/syllabus MTG Hosin Sul which is part of the training within ITF Taekwon-Do.

While each style of martial arts has their advantages and I respect many legitimate styles. It is actually quite difficult to find martial arts that aren't actually only combat sports, basic self defence techniques packaged out of context as a style or art forms only. 

With the combat sports many can lack the art or moral culture emphasised in martial arts as well as much of the real life defence training. 

With the purely self defence styles/systems, they can miss many of the positive aspects associated with why many begin martial arts such as the discipline, focus and even competitive aspects. 

With the ancient arts, they can lack the most, effective even safe on ones own body and joints, way of performing techniques due to being overly traditional and inflexible in adopting modern methods and many have lost the effectiveness aspect over time for arts sake.

I find our style a more modern blend of all aspects of martial arts. I can only speak further for our style ITF Taekwon-Do (Original Taekwon-Do style) and our MTG club  and in particular ITF under GM Choi Jung Hwa (Son of the father & founder of all Taekwon-Do) and not the myriad of other Taekwondo styles that have emerged since then.

ITF Taekwon-Do was originally born out of the military and evolved with General Choi Hong Hi at the helm. Taekwon-Do is the most modern of the Traditional Martial Arts.

ITF Taekwon-Do as a martial art/combat style is very well rounded which is a a great advantage and actually not that common. When I say it is well rounded it encompasses: Sparring (competition & traditional), Patterns (traditional techniques in a sequence), technical floor exercises,  Breaking (power, height & distance), Hosin Sul (Self defence against grabs, common attacks & weapons including situational awareness), Fitness, functional strength, flexibility and moral culture.

With the aim of incorporating these aspects seamlessly into each other through the training. Striving to forge a more complete martial artist. Each aspect strengthening and adding to the other aspects.

Therefor with our MTG training of  ITF Taekwon-Do it is a traditional Martial Art, reality based system as well as a combat sport. It is firstly a Martial art with a combat sport aspect as part of the system.

Taekwon-Do as a whole is also the most modern of the traditional martial arts. As in further discussions on the blog there have been break away's and photo copies.

Taekwon-Do grew out of the need to re-invigorate Korean Martial arts after the second Word War. Basically it is an amalgamation of ancient Korean styles such as Taekyon, Japanese Karate/ Japanese arts , influences from ancient Chinese arts,  hapkido type joint manipulation as well as aspects many of western boxing in the sport aspect. All this originally for the intent of military use, which is where it matured and formed.

So basically to make it easier to understand our club training includes training which is associated or similar in nature with :Kickboxing (Sparring), Kata -Karate, Kung Fu forms (ITF Patterns), self defence similar to Krav Maga/ Hapkido (MTG Hosin Sul) with a moral code and typically military structure .

The techniques of ITF Tekwon-Do are effective because it uses the flow and speed of typically Chinese Kung Fu arts with the snap and hard aspects of Karate. Utilizing the flow and speed to end with the hardness. This aims to create extra power by using the basic scientific formula: mass x velocity = force. Many aspects known as the secrets of Taekwon-Do (Bio-mechanical principles) are applied to the techniques. This is in order enhance scientific and ancient principles for generating more power out of ones body, all while aiming to protect the joints more.

In other words true ITF Taekwon-Do techniques have evolved from a long line of martial arts techniques with a modern scientific approach utilising bio-mechanics to aim to maximise each technique. Make no mistake, it does take a bit more work get this right and it is technical in that aspect of training but it is worth it in the end. The Sine Wave concept also unique to our style is also part of this which aims to also make use gravity to assist in generating more power.

Many people think that Taekwon-Do is only for the youthful because some of its more athletic attributes. This is untrue, those attributes get allot of attention and people often only associate that with Taekwon-Do. The fact is, one trains to their ability. The high kicks get the attention but in actual fact within the traditional aspect are relatively rare. Most kicks are mid or even low and the high kicks are not compulsory but dependent on ones bodies capabilities and focus on each individuals strengths. Taekwon-Do caters for every age, young and old!

Taekwon-Do is definately and exciting art to take part in. It challenges all the time and there are always new goals to strive for. This all being done with a belt structure which is a great goal oriented approach for training.

It is a great way to keep in shape and also spills over to the rest of ones life. Making lifestyle adjustments in order to improve your Taekwon-Do training is common place.

The style we teach, ITF Taekwon-Do with our MTG Hosin Sul urban defence aspect is very well rounded for self defence, fitness, flexibility, traditional moral culture, sport aspect and functional, scientifically oriented  technique. The ancient techniques have been modernised or adjusted and concepts mixed in many cases if necessary to maximise the potential of the techniques.  A well trained, up to date ITF Taekwon-Do instructor should be able to prove why many techniques are done in a particular way in most cases for the sake of effectiveness, not simply only for arts sake . If they cant, they should be humble enough to admit and find out.

Please don't mistake this article for an overall view of the TKD /martial arts world even in ITF, many have slipped into the overly sport oriented aspects or the moral culture aspects not being in the forefront. As a club MTG we strive to the best of our ability to endeavor to keep the true meaning of martial arts alive in all aspects of this amazing Martial Art.

One of the main reasons is it is a great vehicle to help people achieve improvement in themselves. The training allows one to get to know ones self and grow in the many broad aspects of the art. It helps build confidence in people lacking and build humility in those lacking. In our clubs we strive to find that important balance with our students.

We aim to develop well rounded, balanced individuals. If only interested in fighting and if that mentality was the only part of the training we offered, the balance and aggression levels of an individual could be compromised. I like to think our training allows for a highly effective self defence art when needed but also useful and proactive members of real life who make a positive contribution to the world.

In conclusion. If one is looking for the benefits of traditional martial arts with a modern approach and effective reality based self defence. Being true to the original purpose of martial arts with sound scientific and bio-mechanic principles backing it up.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Choosing a Martial arts club

I understand how difficult it must be to decide on a club or style for yourself or a child. There are so many out there, all proclaiming to be the best.

The first thing that is important to understand is that all martial arts clubs or organisations and even styles are certainly not equal. Even, with different styles within or under the banner of a particular system can differ greatly in quality and authenticity.

In the world today many styles even of the same name have popped up to ride on the coat tails of the original or authentic versions. Unfortunately, back in the day trademarking names was not wide spread, so unfortunately it is common for big name styles to have many photo copies each getting further and further from the source and the core of what that art is.

This is highly prevalent in all styles but very much so with Taekwon-Do becuase of its popularity. Many have moved further from the source that the self defence aspects and pure scientific techniques have become un-recognisable.

This can also be seen throughout the martial arts and combat sports world. In Taekwon-Do it is especially damaging as it is  highly technical, purely for the purpose of making each technique as powerful and effective as possible with current knowledge and safer on ones own body and joints. The tiniest details are where it counts. The tiniest details are what tends to get lost. The moral culture of the art is also vitally important and this aspect being watered down is also a significant loss.

One should see the heritage of the club/instructor. How close to the original source it is. We pride ourselves on being directly connected and mentored by the Vice president of ITF under GM President Choi Jung Hwa the son of the original founder of Taekwon-Do.

A club should also have a focus on real world self defence as was originally the purpose of all martial arts. The self defence aspects are lost more and more in martial arts nowadays. This is another aspect to see about when beginning.

Please also be aware of clubs marketing and boasting about many, many world champions etc. This would only be the case most of the time in much smaller usually less authentic organisations with open championships, that technically wouldn't constitute world champions. As I said not all organisations are equal. In the most authentic organisations it is a huge accomplishment to get through  few rounds or reach the medal rounds in the competition aspect.The only reason I point this out is to emphasise the varying levels of quality and what constitutes a world title holder.

Another aspect to look out for is use of the word Master. Many styles vary at which level a person can be called master. In ITF Teakwon-Do it is at 7th Degree/Dan.

Please also make sure the instructor/club is correctly certified and registered to the correct authorities internationally and in SA, also in possession of a valid 1st aid certificate and the soon to be compulsory NQF3 coaching certificate for SA.

It does also help if the club has a long track record of running in as many fly by nights pop up all the time with big promises and specials which often in the long run are unsustainable.

In conclusion I would suggest after doing a bit of research, trying out the classes you are interested in. Martial arts are broad and it is impossible to see all they have to offer in two classes, but you can also get an idea of the teaching quality and culture of the club.

I hope this helps you get started on your martial arts journey.